24/7 Service

General supplies

Gas & OIl

Where Africa the Motherland turn towards opening

Our Services

Oil & Gas, 

We Supply oil, gas and Petrochemical Supplies. Get the best deals with us.

Cars & Trucks

When sourcing for automatives or heavey trucks, we are your right partner.

Foods & Beverages

We source globally for food and beverages. Lets handle your supplies.


Construction materials is a headache without a right partner. We take the challenge for you.


It is our philosophy that goods and service provided are of the highest quality possible and customer satisfaction of the client is achieved. We achieve these goals through the provision of high-quality goods and services and the professional experience of our personnel, setup and network.

Designed specifically to cater for the primary needs of the customers, ASCINT LIMITED strives to source for the latest supplies in the market to meet the ever-changing needs of its clients.

Our approach to our clients is based on the belief that the client is always supreme and therefore aims to provide them with the most effective supplies solutions that meet their everyday needs at the most competitive rates in the market.
